Trigger point massage is applied to relieve and even eliminate the pain caused by muscle cramps and nerve contractions known as spasm.
Trigger Point Therapy, also known as myofascial trigger point therapy, was introduced for the first time in the world by an American medical doctor, Dr Janet Travell. From the 1940s onwards, trigger point therapy has been recognized as a new branch of alternative medicine. Due to the positive results experienced by the patients undergoing therapy, trigger point therapy has been widely used and attracted worldwide attention.

What is Trigger Point?
Myofascial Trigger Point, also known as Trigger point. They are highly localized and very sensitive points felt by the manual examination method in the stretched bands of skeletal muscles. Myofascial Trigger Point Pain; It is a type of pain characterized by pain, sensitivity and stiffness seen in one or more muscle groups. It is also called by the people such as cramp, muscle rheumatism or hitting.
It causes movement limitation due to pain in muscles. It causes more or less muscles to work and causes an imbalance between the muscles. Due to this imbalance in the muscles, similar problems arise in other parts of the body as time passes. To illustrate; In the muscles of the waist, the trigger point found in M. Quadratus Lumborum causes pain in the hip area. If this condition is not treated, other regions will be accompanied by difficulties.
Trigger Points
It is based on finding the central trigger points of the muscles first in order to determine the myofacial pain problems. Trigger points in our bodies are always at the center (middle) point of the muscle fibers. These points are the points in which the motor nerves come in and tell the muscles to contract and transmit the signals. These are also the points where the sarcomere formed a trigger point at the moment of locking itself. Recognizing the inner structure of the muscle and knowing its large area also helps to find the trigger points.
How Do Trigger Point Pains Occur?
Accident, falling, stretching or over working condition are the most common causes of trigger point formation. Depending on the trauma; fractures, dislocations and muscle ruptures, soft tissue injuries, soft tissue and bone infections can cause trigger point formation. Gluteal muscle injections, occupational diseases, accessories such as, the wallet in the back pocket, which increases the gluteal pressure can cause this situation. Excessive sports, as well as completely immobile and non-sports, can also trigger the trigger point. Excessively unconscious and improper use of muscles, in particular, is one of the common causes of trigger points.
Most Common Trigger Point Causes
Accident, falling, stress and overwork are the most known causes of trigger points.
Overuse of muscles.
The inevitable use of muscles.
Without suspicion the misuse of muscles.
Trigger Point Symptoms
The sensory manifestations of the myofacial trigger points in the person have a wide variety and are not limited to pain only.
Symptoms of dysfunction, excessive stiffness in muscles, extreme weakness, edema and nausea, dizziness, posture disorders are very diverse.
Reflected Pains.
Jamming of Nerves and Nerves.
Effects of autonomic occurrence.
Problems in movement difficulties.
Problems in the mood.
Trigger Point Massage
Trigger point massage is applied to alleviate or even eliminate the pain caused by muscle cramps and nerve contractions known as spasms. It is especially beneficial for headaches, neck stiffness, afflicted shoulders, back pain, low back pain, lumbar stiffness and sciatica. Trigger point massage is examined to deepen the muscles to the finest detail. In this application, close to the surface muscles connective tissue joints and deeper connective tissues are studied in detail.
Trigger point massage, due to the trigger points shortening and expanding muscles tightens the nerves, numbness, tingling, burning, and may cause abnormal sensations such as increased sensitivity. The trigger point of the muscle located in the calf area may affect the circulation and cause ankle and can cause swelling at standing. The same thing in neck muscle can cause swelling in the hand and wrist. Trigger points can cause their muscles to become short and very hard, limiting movements, causing more rapid and quick fatigue of the muscles, and stumbling during joint movements.
Where are the Trigger Points?
The most common locations of the trigger points are the neck and back muscles. Apart from this, it can also be seen frequently in the shoulder, elbow, waist, hip and knee.